Is Your Body Telling You To Get A Massage?

If you consider a therapeutic massage to be something you treat yourself with every once in a while, we are here to tell you that it should, in fact, be a regular affair, a part of your self-care routine. Getting regular massages can drastically improve your overall well-being. 

So, if you have been thinking of scheduling a trigger point massage in Massapequa at our spa after a hectic week of working from nine to five, go ahead and book an appointment already! 

Did you know your body gives you signs that your next massage is due? If you could recognize those tell-tale signs, you will not only boost your physical health but also uplift your mood. 

1. Excessive Stress

Between the demands of family, work, and life in general, we all feel a little stressed every now and then. 

Then you come back home, take a hot shower and get a good night’s sleep, and it makes you feel better. Sometimes, the normal routine does not relieve the stress, and that’s when you should seriously consider getting a massage. 

Massage decreases the stress hormone levels in our bodies while boosting the happy hormones, endorphins, making it the perfect stress reliever. 

2. Poor Posture 

Poor posture is not simply because of laziness. It has a lot to do with tension accumulated in the neck and back, aggravated by poor muscle strength.

A trigger point massage in Massapequa at our spa will relieve the tension build-up at different points in your body, promoting better postural health and allowing your muscles to move into natural positions freely. 

Your muscle flexibility is also improved. Sometimes, neck and back muscles shorten over time, and regular massages help to restore their length.

3. Sedentary Lifestyle 

Everyone with a desk job or anyone with a sedentary routine should get regular massages. While a sedentary lifestyle does not seem harmful, but it silently wreaks havoc on your body. 

Sitting in the same position or hunching over a desk lead to tension build-up, causing postural problems, headaches, and body pain. And, you may not realize this, but long hours of typing put a lot of strain on your body. 

A massage will alleviate the strain and pain accumulated in your body, helping your muscles loosen and relax.

4. Trouble Sleeping

If you toss and turn in the bed for long hours before finally falling asleep, try getting a massage. 

While warm tea and switching off the phones at bedtime help, a massage may be more effective because it relaxes your muscles, decreases the stress hormone levels, and boosts endorphins- all at the same time. 

When you are stress-free and relaxed, a good night’s sleep will surely be on the cards.

5. Workout Pain 

Working out puts your body under stress and strain. It may also cause muscle tears if you excessively push your limits. 

So, if you actively work out, you should not shy away from getting regular massages. You can even try a sports massage to restore muscle health and range of motion, speeding up the recovery. 

We offer sports massage services in West Nyack. 

So, when are you booking your massage appointment next? Right away?