Resolve Work-From-Home Pain With Trigger Point Massage

Since 2020, most Americans have spent their work-life in many unpredictable ways and different spaces. Teachers and students moved from classrooms to their dining room or living room table. Fitness trainers and dance instructors move to their makeshift studio or think of new moves considering the small space while not compromising on their athleticism. Moms and dads had to resort to a crammed up space to take their office zoom meeting minus the household banter and noises of their kids. But, it has its perks too. It brought down our travel costs, saved time, and introduced comfort and a hell lot of privacy while working.

The entire dynamics of the work-from-home life has given rise to a whole new set of body problems: Sore shoulders, back pain, wrist ache, ‘tech neck’, sciatica, chronic body pain, and other physical stresses. This can be attributed to lower activity levels, lack of sleep and exercise, increased screen time, mental and emotional stress, poor posture and the ever-changing home-office setup.

This has brought trigger point massage across Massapequa and all over New York under a whole new light. Before we get on to the basics and benefits of this massage, there are a few things that you need to understand:


In 1960, Dr. Janet Travell, an american medical doctor, teamed up with Dr. David Simmons to explore the realm of trigger points and myofascial pain. A trigger point (more specifically, a myofascial trigger point) is an involuntary tight tender spot in a contracted muscle. These painful areas form a tight knot due to chronic contraction and shortening of the length of the muscle fibres. Other causes include decreased circulation, increased spasm, nerve sensitivity, leading to a sharp pain or constant ache.

The Cause?

Some of the major causes include overworking of the same muscles, stress, accidental trauma, structural deformity, and insufficient or improper stretching before getting into a strenuous physical activity. The over-stimulated muscle bibers tend to overlap and are unable to release their contracted state, thereby, forming a knot. The knot cuts off oxygen supply within the area by reducing the blood flow. This causes the cells to send signals of pain and stress.

So, How Does A Massage Resolve This Issue?

As the name suggests, a trigger point massage works those knots to decrease or eliminate pain of an area. An experienced massage therapist helps you get rid of the pain by applying gentle pressure and massaging the area for a specific amount of time while softening the muscular nodule.

Trigger points are highly sensitive areas. If done incorrectly, it can produce pain in a different part of the body. Also, the released muscle tissue needs to be moved throughout its full range of motion to remove inflammation and swelling. The more accurate the treatment is, the better are its results.

Relate to the pain points? Is work-from-home life adding more to your trigger points? Relax and unwind with our range of sports massage services in West Nyack and spa services available across Massapequa. For details, browse our online service chart or contact us for any queries.